Exhibitor agreement
The show hours are from Saturday 10am to 4pm
Exhibitor set-up is sat 7am to 10am.
The show hours are from 10am to 4pm Sunday vendors expected stay until 4pm or you will not have space for future shows.
Table prices are $30.00 for the day.
One vendor passes per table all others will be charged admission.
There are karts aviable for loading and unloading No karts are not to be used in the show area from 10am - 4pm (safety reasons)
Power is aviable bring cord 25foot max.
No federally endangered, threatened, or Michigan native animal or plants may be sold
Any and all cancelation must be made 15 days before show date to be eligible to be used for future dates or events. There will be no refunds for cancellations or no shows.
All sales must be conducted in the show area no parking lot sales of any kind will be tolerated.
Vendors are expected to leave the area as clean as you received it.
All vendors must have table coverings tables are all 8foot.
All Exhibitors are responsible for all state and federal laws concerning but not limited to taxes, permits, licensing, transportation, importation, exportation, sales, etc.
Vendors shall hold Michigan Aquarium expo, coordinators, staff, harmless from all claims beyond the space rental. The expo staff reserves the right to refuse entry or evict any vendor not in compliance with the above shows regulations without refund of table rental fee.